Coaching is a profession that stands by itself, although the coach may bring with them a variety of backgrounds that prepare them to be an excellent coach. One of those factors is good solid training in coaching leading to certification, even those who hold a masters or doctorate degree in human behavioral occupations strongly agree that once they have completed specific coach training, there are major differences.  Coaching is not the same.  Always ask a person who is claiming to be a coach if they have successfully completed this kind of certification and preferably a program backed by the ICF (International Coach Federation). Another is personal experience. This is true whether coach, mentor or counselor.  If one has not done their own work in these areas, it is difficult to truly understand where others are as well as get out of one’s way-in other words, a need the coach has that takes away from truly coaching another.

Some believe coaching is consulting.  A consultant is an expert in a given area, such as business consulting, giving knowledge, ideas, suggestions and advice in order to bring about effectiveness and success. Most common is generally needing guidance in a specialty, financial or business area.  In this situation the client holds some idea of what they want to accomplish in these areas yet need information from an expert in that area, such as a business plan or advice on financial planning.

Coaching is not counseling or therapy.  Some coaches do have a psychological background which can be beneficial in determining if a client is “coachable”, that is an individual has significant shadows of the past or other hindrances, yet learned to manage them, dysfunctional background, relationship concerns, a more recent loss or a number of situations that may interfere with the coaching/client relationship. None of us are perfect, yet will the client be able to focus on what their goals are? We all experienced events such as these, yet many have found a way to manage the effects by using such things as healthy boundaries, spiritual guidance, exercising faith-prayer and utilizing church or community support. This is not an indication that coaching cannot happen, yet a professional and qualified coach would recommend seeking understanding, healing and discovery through counseling or therapy first that helps a person manage or overcome in order to enter into coaching.  Consider the mind as a container.  This container is so full of blocks, challenges, anxiety, anger and fear that there is no room for moving forward with passion, purpose and joy.  One of the initial homework assignments I recommend is a “tolerance” check or the 4 D’s to help sort this out. In other words what does one really want to incorporate into their life and yet pulled away by what really does not matter. A good example is sensing a gifting and calling to help others in need, yet the very help this person is offering lacks good relationship boundaries as well as enabling the other person. When not needed, the helping person also becomes needy. This occurs when the person helping loves conditionally, expecting something back in return or is not listening to the client, rather self-disclosing about their issues and inserting their own story on a regular basis.  Self-disclosure used minimally can be beneficial if it helps the client.

Mentoring.  Often used in discipleship for a new Christian as well as a variety of areas.  I have used a mentor to review my artwork providing authentic and honest critique in order to arrive at the best painting. Writers often belong to a critique group where peer support, exchange of constructive help and ideas are used. A mentor is a seasoned role-model where the client aspires to follow the way they conduct their lives or produce something. There are professional coaches who also mentor new coach graduates. The client admires certain qualities, a particular niche, talents and abilities the mentor coach has and strives to emulate those qualities. We see this with orientation where a seasoned employee assists a new employee in their new position. Friends, a Bible study leader or well grounded relatives are good mentors in a healthy relationship.


Now what is coaching?  Often clients who have successfully processed counseling or therapy or just sense they are ready to move forward do ask “so now what?”  Sometimes our lives have produced very little room or “fruit” as the Scriptures refer to, for anything else other than getting by through life’s day to day challenges whether self-imposed or imposed upon us. And there are season’s in one’s life where managing daily life is the best thing to do at the time. Coaching, however, is discovery and forward thinking about where do I go from here? What really matters and how do I become motivated to put action towards that direction? Perhaps writing a book, market art work that falls in line with one’s values or preparing for a speech that is connected to marketing. What is my purpose in life, mission, calling, those things we may feel passionate about and yet seems endlessly on hold?  Each one of us is given a skill set, personality, gifting, virtues/values and purpose like no other. Whether we recognize it or not each one of us is created like no other. Yet how often do we want to be someone else or compete? A coach offers a co-relationship between coach and client, in tandem, both shining a light on embracing what is really true for the client. A coach is trained to be an excellent listener. Coaching is a lot about encouragement to take action on that which we want to achieve yet not often sure just what that is or lack the “guts” to take steps of faith while also taking God’s timing into consideration. We may hear of folks who entered into a job years ago for reasons often including the expectations of others or just didn’t know what they wanted so chose the next best thing or followed someone else’s ideal for themselves. Yet, continued to be unhappy in their work.  One may continue in the same work with added satisfaction and fulfillment or totally change coarse after coaching. The anxiety attached to this is often a sense that the time and effort applied to history will be wasted.  In reality one or several experiences has the potential to build on another or perhaps transcend into the new direction. Some are unhappy in a job and yet know financially they need to stay where they are.  Coaching can provide what is needed to refocus through a new perspective, bringing new tools to the present work.  Once leaving this work, individuals have a choice to transition into those things they love to do as well as bring in an income and incorporate skills used in their former work.

Coaching can take the mundane out of everyday living and put zing back into our day to day coming and going in miraculous and extraordinary ways. A client is taken from where they are now to where they believe they are to be yet not sure how to tap into the wonderful life where desires line up with God’s desires. This does not mean that life and all of it’s challenges ceases, yet a coach can still encourage keeping you on track while dealing with the present. An excellent coach not only have great listening skills also asks good questions based on what is said or maybe not said. Jesus asked many questions along with explaining meaning to these life questions through parables and in response to those who were curious. The content of these parables incorporated simple daily language the people of that day used. Through this work, there may be thought provoking homework and questions chosen by the person coached. While encouraged, clients ultimately have the choice to engage in this homework. Research indicates that when a person takes care of and holds onto the agenda, they are motivated to apply action with time and commitment.  

Much of my work is presented through classes, retreats, occasionally phone or local one on one, group or individual on-line email, newsletter-blog or tele-classes/groups and when feasible, church events. Some years ago, an attendee to our “Dream Giver”(Bruce Wilkinson-Dream for Africa) weekly group at a Lutheran church, went on to fulfill a dream that manifested in a huge display of Christmas Lights with music for a donation to the local food bank. The presentation became so popular that it was announced on radio. Through coaching he recognized his desire, a worthy cause to the community, his gifting, talents and past experiences to bring forth this idea that turned into motivation and action to take the step of faith to accomplish this dream.

Another hallmark of trained coaches is that they are educated is choosing a particular niche or specialty, supported by a target market and tag line that describes where they best benefit others.